EASA FTL GUIDE Version 1.7. 1 ECA Guide 1.7. to EASA FTL 15.November 2017 Air OPS Easy Access Rules_Rev.09_May 2017 .pdf Some elements of the implementing rules or certification specifications are shown in the centre column for the purpose to reduce the number of pages needed.
equivalence with EASA Ops the CAA has issued a General Exemption (ORS4 No.1274) which aligns with the EASA Ops derogation. 7. A guide for GA has been produced as CAP 1589. Scope 8. The cost-sharing arrangements apply to other-than complex motor-powered EASA aircraft operating under the EASA Ops and in accordance with Regulation
Application of the notified aerodrome operating minima shall not permit a landing or take-off in AR, OR & OPS . EASA Decision . ED 2014/013/R . CS .
Air OPS Easy Access Rules_Rev.09_May 2017 .pdf Disclaimer: This document is meant as an aid. If any differences or discrepancies would exist between this document and the applicable EU regulations and EASA AMC/GM the latter prevail and must always be consulted. Swedish Transport Agency – EASA-OPS QRL – Version 1.0 Checked 2013-03-28 IR AMC GM ORO.GEN.215 Facility requirements - - Ange ett eller flera val för att filtrera din sökning EASA Regulations for Air Operations Inspectors Training Course AdviceDates and Online Booking: Tel: +44 (0)1276 859 519 Email: training@bainessimmons.com The move from EU-OPS and JAR-OPS 3 to the new EASA regulatory system has introduced major changes to the accountabilities of Competent Authorities and Page 4 ORO.FTL.100 Scope This subpart establishes the requirements to be met by an operator and its crew members with regard to flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements for crew members. II (Non-legislative acts) REGULATIONS COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 965/2012 of 5 October 2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations EASA's definition of “commercial operation” is as follows: 'Commercial operation' shall mean any operation of an aircraft, in return for remuneration or other valuable consideration, which is available to the public or, when not made available to the public, which is performed under a contract between an operator and a customer, where the latter has no control over the operator. Existing 10-9S pages for EASA AIR OPS operators are kept and updated to allow operators to compare EASA AIR OPS minimums against the minimums based on ICAO Doc 9365.
Status of EASA Guidance Material ¾PP045 Information Paper (RNP 4) ¾References ¾FAA Order 8400.33 ¾State Letter Ref AN 13/33.7-04/86 ¾PBN Manual Doc 9613 ¾Other operational material e.g., EU-OPS 1.243, Annex 6 and Doc 7030/4 ¾AMC for RNP 4 drafted and RIA prepared ¾Passed to EASA Rulemaking Directorate and assigned Tasking OPS.013 EASA Air OPS Training Version 02.2017 Page 3 / 8 1 Day 1 1.1 Module 1: EASA Air OPS Requirements Objectives Contents of module Practical Training/Discussion Objective 1: Be familiar with the legal structure Objective 2: Get to know the EASA Air OPS structure Objective 3: Become familiar with the Basic Regulation Objective 4: Understand the EASA - Annehmbare Nachweisverfahren (AMC) und Anleitungen (GM) für aufsichtsbehördliche, organisatorische und flugbetriebliche GM1 ADR.OPS.A.005 Flugplatzdaten AMC4 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2) Extinguishing agents Requirements are similar to ICAO Annex 14 Amendment 11 of Annex 14 has also been included (introduction of Type C foam) AMC5 ADR.OPS.B.010(a)(2) Response time Not exceeding 3 min with an operational objective of 2 min to any point of An overview document presented by Steven Bentley MD Sofema Aviation Services.
COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: This MEL complies with BCAR Section A/B * ANO 2016 Article 78 */EASA OPS ORO.MLR.105 */ CS-MMEL* and is no less restrictive than the applicable approved MMEL/Supplement (* delete as appropriate)
Consequently, EASA, with support of external experts, developed simpler and proportionate, stand-alone regulations for operations with balloons or sailplanes. IACA CS-FTL for EASA NPA 2009-02c IACA CS-FTL_v8 30/07/2009 page 1 of 16 Objective : EASA NPA 2009-02c includes a 3-page CS-FTL Certification Specification to Part-OR Subpart OPS Section VIII on Flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements (see NPA 2009-02c pages 33-35).
Une NPA EASA (NPA 2012-08) envisage de considérer les Maintenance Check ORO.MLR.105. Gestion de la LME. Point d'attention/Priorité DSAC 2015
105 of regulation (EU) 965/2012. All commercial operator need to& 15 May 2020 (subject to the approved conditions in the Operations Manual) EASA form 139 Issue 6. IS. ORO.MLR. 105(b): Minimum Equipment List. ORO.FC.145(c): Flight crew training and checking programmes including syllabi.
20 Apr 2018 Airbus Helicopters EC135 | Part A. ORO.MLR.105(b): Minimum Equipment List. Piper PA31. Beech 200. Boeing 727-200.
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(b) The MEL and any 7 Mar 2019 Date of publication in the EASA Official Publication: 22 November 2018 - Date of application of EDD Update of the PART-ORO sheet / Addition of the PART-SPO sheet, v5 ORO.AOC.105, Operations specifications and privil Une NPA EASA (NPA 2012-08) envisage de considérer les Maintenance Check ORO.MLR.105. Gestion de la LME. Point d'attention/Priorité DSAC 2015 105. PART CAT. SUBPART GENERAL. REQUIREMENTS.
If any differences or discrepancies would exist between this document and the applicable EU regulations and EASA AMC/GM the latter prevail and must always be consulted.
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EASA Regulations for Air Operations Inspectors Training Course AdviceDates and Online Booking: Tel: +44 (0)1276 859 519 Email: training@bainessimmons.com The move from EU-OPS and JAR-OPS 3 to the new EASA regulatory system has introduced major changes …
Piper PA31. Beech 200. Boeing 727-200. Boeing 737-300. For a revision of a part of the operations manual system, the Compliance List shall be filed ORO.FC.140. Operation on more than one type or variant.